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Turds of Wisdom

What are turds of wisdom?

Growing up, we hear our parents, teachers, friends, religious leaders, and even celebrities tell us how we should live. We are treated to high-sounding phrases that sum up those things we ought to do. On the other hand, sometimes people blurt out things that might sound nonsensical, but if we look at them a little more closely we can often find a truth.  These fractured sayings reveal how many people actually think or act—rather than maybe how they should think or act—as the more conventional sayings tend to highlight. This book is a compilation of odd sayings that I have heard—or created—with a look at their “inner meaning.” Perhaps they will speak to you as they have to me.

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Reader comments:

“Hilarity ensues.  Great find!!  Feels like he was at my dinner table sharing hilarious family treasures. Must read!

  — DefVana